Frequently asked questions

How can I purchase clips from SHOOT IT Stock Footage?

Purchasing clips from our platform is easy. Simply browse our selection, add the clips you want to your cart, and proceed to checkout. You can make payments securely via PayPal or Stripe.

Can I get a refund if I’m not satisfied with a clip I purchased?

Unfortunately, we do not offer refunds for digital purchases. However, if you encounter technical issues with a clip, please contact our customer support, and we will work to resolve the problem. With the preview video of each clip at the top of every product page, you can clearly see what you are buying before checkout. Be sure to select your preferred quality level from the drop down menu before proceeding to checkout.

Do you offer bulk discounts or subscription plans for frequent buyers?

Currently, we do not offer subscription plans, but we’re continually exploring new ways to enhance our offering, possibly with bulk discounts when purchasing collections of multiple clips. Stay tuned for updates on our pricing and promotions.

What is the format, resolution and frame rate of your clips?

Our clips are available in various formats and resolutions, for example 5.1K ProRes 422 HQ Log, 4K h.264 and HD h.264. Frame rates vary depending on the camera and settings used when capturing the footage. Please check the individual clip description for specific details.

Are all clips available in log format?

All our stock footage clips are available in 10-bit log format in the top tier quality version for each clip, referred to as PRO when selecting quality upon purchase. The exception is green screen templates, where log profile does not makes sense, since the green screen part of the clips has been edited and enhanced in the post process before being published for sale on our platform. The reason for this is to make it as easy as possible to replace the green screen with your desired footage.

Do you offer 8K video clips?

Currently, we do not offer 8K resolution video clips.

Can I use the clips I purchased globally?

Yes, all purchases from SHOOT IT Stock Footage include global usage rights.

Can I use the clips I purchased for paid ads?

Yes you can, but only if the usage license on the product page states that you can use the clip for commercial purposes. Some clips are only available with personal and editorial usage rights due to the presence of copyrighted and trademarked content, such as company logotypes or product designs. Please see usage license terms for each individual clip.

Can I sell the clips I purchased?

No. You are not permitted to resell parts of clips or entire clips to a third parties.


Example: You may use the clips however you want in your editing, where the clips purchased from SHOOT IT Stock Footage are part of a longer video. But, you may not purchase clips from SHOOT IT Stock Footage and then resell them for a higher (or any) price on other platforms.

Can I use the clips I purchased for promotion of my company, products or services?

Yes you can, but since promotion of your company, products or services is commercial usage, some clips may not be eligable for this kind of usage. Some clips are only available with personal and editorial usage rights due to the presence of copyrighted and trademarked content, such as company logotypes. Please see usage license terms for each individual clip.

I am editing a video for a client of mine, can I use the clips I purchased in that project?

Yes, you can. But be aware that you are not permitted to resell parts or entirety of clips you purchased from SHOOT IT Stock Footage to a third part.


Example: You may not purchase a clip from SHOOT IT Stock Footage, cut out 5 seconds from the middle of the clip and then resell it to third parties or on other platforms. You may however use the clip in the editing for your client project.

Some clips have 5120x2700 and others have 3840x2160 resolution in the PRO tier, why is that?

It depends on which camera was used to capture the footage. All clips in the PRO tier are always in the highest possible quality and resolution available for that specific clip. We never interpolate the clips to make the resolution higher than what was used when capturing the footage.

Why are some clips longer than others?

We edit each clip thoughtfully to remove unnecessary parts, focusing on delivering practical and effective content for your creative projects. Some clips may capture a brief scene in just 5-10 seconds, while others, like extended drone sequences, can provide valuable content for up to a minute. This editing approach ensures that you get precisely what you need for your projects, making the footage versatile and ready for use.

What is the highest resolution you offer?

In the top tier quality level PRO, we offer up to 5.1K (5120x2700 pixels) or 4K (3840x2160 pixels) resolution. The exact pixel dimensions may differ from clip to clip, depending on what camera was used for filming. We do not upscale any of our clips. Please check the detailed information for each clip for more information.

Why do you withdraw more money from my account than the price listed on your website?

SHOOT IT Stock Footage is accessible worldwide. The prices you see on our website do not include VAT (Value Added Taxes). The VAT rates vary depending on your location and applicable regional regulations.


For instance, if the VAT rate in your region is 25%, this percentage of the listed price gets added during the checkout process. So, if you see a clip listed for 99 EUR on our website, the final charge will be 99 x 1.25 = 123.75 EUR.


VAT percentages for your specific region or country are automatically calculated and added by the payment service provider (PayPal or Stripe) to ensure that the accurate VAT rates are applied. SHOOT IT Stock Footage does not control the VAT percentages added upon checkout.

Do you offer exclusive usage rights?

As of now, we do not provide exclusive usage rights. However, the terms and conditions for all clips purchased from SHOOT IT Stock Footage include comprehensive usage rights for personal, editorial, and commercial use, with no time restrictions.

How can I get in contact with your customer support?

For any inquiries regarding the SHOOT IT Stock Footage service and website, please feel free to contact us at or use the contact form. We’re here to assist you. We do not offer a live chat feature or telephone support at the moment, but we will get back to you as soon as possible.